The Barn Factory

Barn Plan Needs

Standard Barn Plan

When building with your free standard barn plan set you will need a permission from the Barnfactory. Just email a request for permission (no charge) to use the plan.

Clearly understand that these plans were developed for a different location then yours. The load requirements shown on the cover page are for a different locale than yours and will likely require plans upgrading. To those of your site. Your local different load requirments than in your locale.

Be sure and get this information from your building official. The internet is often wrong.

Ask the official if a state licensed engineers’ wet stamp review will be required? If so we will forward your plan to a engineer licensed in your state for their ‘wet stamp review’ cost quote emailed directly to you. Or you may use a local engineer.

It is advisable to review these plans with your engineer or builder for errors or ommisions. That is the owners responsibility.

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